Monday, March 14, 2011

It's Great!

Today I finally got to play the Shooter With No Name on a handset, and it's great fun. At first the game owned me in no time at all. Then the game owned me again. But then, on the third go it ow... actually, I started to get on the game's case. Which was a relief - I'm always being told by colleagues, passers by and toddlers that I suck at games. 

Given the progress of the game while I was out of the country (if you're making a joke about games not needing designers then stop it) it's quite apparent that an open beta won't be necessary. Changes to the game have removed the value of the process. Now we just have to spend a month fine tuning the game play and, in my case, designing a whole new bunch of levels, and then we can let you play it til your fingers bleed. 

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