Have you ever been in the situation where a friend has an idea for a game that's so simple, so obvious, so brilliant, you actually make them some graphics to help push them along the path of making the thing?
Exactly, we've all been there at some time, right?
Then, of course, they don't use your graphics and they go off and do other bits of software, but you keep nagging them and nagging them.
I know dear reader, its like I know your life.
And years pass, and you think "this game's never gonna happen." Well, I am here to give you good news: It does happen. After about four and a half years, you'll be sat there, maybe typing up a design for a touch application, maybe pretending not to watch Project Runway. And suddenly, wham, all systems are go! It's in progress. The game is on!
All I can tell you right now is that it's destined for iPhone, and, like an octopus crossed with a meercat, you'll wonder why you've not seen it before.